The Dutch Mahjong Association (Nederlandse Mahjong Bond)

The “Nederlandse Mahjong Bond (NMB)”, the Dutch Mahjong Association, was established in 2004 with the main objective of promoting the old Chinese game of Mahjong in all its varieties, for leisure and competition. Since then, the NMB has expanded considerably: it currently has four hundred members and thirty affiliated Mahjong clubs.

Most Dutch Mahjong players are part of local clubs and compete in regional and national tournaments. About eighty players are entitled to participate in international MERS tournaments in The Netherlands and abroad. Besides Mahjong Competition Rules (MCR) and Riichi Competition Rules (RCR), some players also play according to the “Nederlandse Toernooi Regels (NTS)”, Dutch Tournament Rules that are based on classical Chinese Mahjong.

Since 2005, a lot of MERS tournaments have been held in The Netherlands, including the first Open European Mahjong Championship (OEMC) in 2005 and the second World Championship in 2010. Every year, affiliated clubs organize ten to fifteen Mahjong tournaments throughout The Netherlands. Besides organizing tournaments, the NMB also engages in numerous promotional activities, on local as well as national level. Furthermore, the NMB distributes its own Mahjong Newsletter to its members eight times a year, with Mahjong news, pictures, tournament reports and all sorts of articles.

For more information, please contact the President of the Dutch Mahjong Association, Jack Main (